Artemis Vavatsika

Artemis Vavatsika is a musician and improviser specializing in the accordion. She was born in Thessaloniki, Greece. Her relationship with music started at a young age. She graduated from the Athenaeum Conservatory with an accordion diploma. She has also completed Music B.A. and M.Phil. programs at the University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki. She has performed in concerts, theatre and opera productions, and festivals in Greece and abroad. She has been improvising on stage since 2018. Collaborations: Nefeli Stamatogiannopoulou (Oν Off Studio), Tasos Stamou (London Improvisers Orchestra), Georges Pilali, Stelios Mihas (Grey Studio), Gianni’s Arapis, Stephanos Chytiris, Alexis Porfyriadis, Danae Stefanou, Pascal Niggerkemper, et al.
Contact info:
Instagram: @artvavapewpew artvavapewpew/