Justine Goussot

Justine Goussot is a French multidisciplinary performer, choreographer and dance professor based in Athens(GR). She studied classical piano (lately at the International Conservatoire of Paris), Jazz and vocal technic in a professional school in Bordeaux (CIAM), musicology and philosophy. In 2005 she is accepted at the Conservatoire of Bordeaux for the professional cursus in contemporary dance and choreography. She traveled many years in Asian countries to gather traditional material such as Kalbeliya, Sufi, Vajra, Bharatanatyam, to then get specialized in Kathak. She has a B.A. in pedagogy of dance from the French ministry of culture. Her first collaborations as an interpret was multidisciplinary oriented, touring with an Orchestra, collaborating with Carlotta Ikeda (Butoh company Ariadone), Nina Dipla (German dance), being an extra and then a dancer at the National Opera of Bordeaux, then later for Lausanne and Saint-Etienne with Lilo Baur, playing music professionally. She created her company La Lali cie in 2011, and signed 11 pieces, in a constant fusion between Dance, Theatre, Music, and at last Science as a support for the raise of a new scoring approach. In Greece, she keeps exploring versatility, playing at the opening of Niarchos Foundation with the music band Klezmer Yunan, working as a movement instructor and choreographer for the “Youths of the Opera” at Niarchos Foundation, writing music and acting for the theatre company Avstronavtes, exploring improvisation and instant composition, lately with Nefeli Stamatogiannopoulou for her contemporary music and performative piece “Aïzo”, or with “Enumérations” of Georgios Aperghis, co-produced by the Athens conservatoire and the Onassis Foundation. She was recently involved in a production for Elevsis 2023 implying research on sensors and telematic with Japanese artists, as an artistic director assistant, choreographer and dancer.